Success Stories

We love success stories. Our real-life case studies on how our quitters managed to kick smoking for good are a consistent source of inspiration to our team and are a massive reason behind KEA Health.

We hope these personal stories can inspire and inform future quitters as much as they do for our team.


Age: 65 Years smoking: 46 Quitting attempts: 10+ Time to quit: 18 months Product used: Nicorette Inhalator Time smoke-free: 4.5 years


Susan’s choice to quit smoking at the age of 65 marked a courageous and life-changing decision, after experiencing a friend’s tragic journey with lung cancer.

Getting Started:

Susan embarked on her journey by seeking guidance from her doctor and support from KEA Health, taking the first step towards a smoke-free life.

The Grind:

Throughout her journey, Susan encountered various challenges, including intense cravings and moments of doubt, but with the help of Nicotine Replacement Therapy her determination remained steadfast.


Susan overcame obstacles by adjusting her approach, leaning on her support network, and relying on KEA Health's NRT products.


Susan’s triumph over her 46-year smoking habit is a remarkable testament to her resilience and unwavering commitment to a healthier lifestyle.

Staying Smoke-Free:

To maintain her smoke-free life, Susan continues to receive support from KEA Health’s NRT products, surrounds herself with positive influences, and prioritizes her health and well-being.

Grandmother and Grand Daughter happy


Age: 29, Years Vaping: 4, Quitting Attempts: 3, Time to quit: 5 months, Product used: Nicotine Gum, Time vape free: 16 months


Luke made the crucial choice to quit vaping and start his journey to a healthier, more active life.

Getting Started:

Luke set a quit date and began reducing his nicotine intake with KEA Health's nicotine gum.

The Grind:

Luke faced the daily challenges of managing cravings and breaking the habit.


Luke ingeniously used a fidget spinner to address the hand-to-mouth aspect of vaping.


Luke successfully overcame his vaping addiction, reclaiming his health and vitality.

Staying vape-free:

To maintain his vape-free lifestyle, Luke continues to rely on support systems and healthy habits.

29 Year old man portrait


Age: 33, Years Smoking: 11, Quitting attempts: 1, Time to quit: 8 months, Product used: Nicotine lozenges, Time smoke-free: 13 months


Emily decided to quit to set a better example for her children and to pursue her dream of becoming a flight attendant.

Getting Started:

Emily set a quit date and opted to reduce her nicotine intake with Habitrol’s nicotine lozenges.

The Grind:

Emily dealt with cravings and temptations when attempting to break the habit.


Emily was able to curb cravings by gradually increasing her intake of lozenges.


Emily has remained smoke-free for over a year and now has the confidence to live life to the fullest.

Staying smoke-free:

Emily leans on family support to help her avoid the possibility of relapsing.


Age: 57, Years Smoking: 30, Quitting attempts: 6, Time to quit: 17 months, Product used: Nicotine patches, gum and inhalator, Time smoke-free: 9 months


Having previously attempted to quit cold turkey on numerous occasions, Thomas realized he needed some extra help from NRT products.

Getting Started:

Thomas initially began by using nicotine gum on its own.

The Grind:

Thomas was able to stay smoke-free after utilizing nicotine gum, but relapsed within a couple of weeks and began smoking daily again.


After relapsing so soon, Thomas realized combination therapy with gum and patches was the right choice for him.


Thomas has even dropped smoking in social situations – and is using the nicotine inhaler to replace his craving for the odd cigarette.

Staying smoke-free:

With the help of the Nicorette Inhalator, Thomas is now confident to say no to smoking in social situations.

57 year old man portrait